Michuhol-gu, INCHEON Metropolitan city

모바일 메뉴 열기

Museum of Inha University

Museum of Inha Uni versity

  • Location : 100, Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon

Purpose: The Museum of Inha University was opened in 1976 to collect, keep and display many materials regarding the history, culture, folklore and anthropology of Korea as well as of other countries. It was also established in order to make contributions to scientific researches.

Until 1983, the collection, display and research of the museum were mainly about the historic relics found in Incheon and its neighboring regions within Gyeonggi-do. In consideration of the founding purpose of the university and the major activities of its foundation, the place was transformed into a transportation museum and began to display palanquins (vehicles without wheels, using human manpower), palanquins carried by 4 people, ships, and other traditional form of vehicles since 1984.

The museum again started to put more emphasis on the research and collection of the materials regarding folklore and anthropology.It issued eight benchmark research reports and published four books on museums by 1999.


253 Yonghyeong-dong, Michuhol-gu
(the base floor of the University Main Building in Inha University)


+ 82-32-860-8260

Hours of Operation

Monday ~ Friday (09:00a.m.~5:00p.m.)

Entrance fee


Relics displayed

725 pieces

Incheon History Tour

Only those who have any official affiliation with Inha University have been accepted to the tour program to this point. However, other citizens in Incheon are expected to have the right to join the tour in the near future. No participation fee is required. The tour is conducted four times a year and covers several selected places in Incheon and Ganghwa.